Supporting a School for the Children of Martel, Haiti
Supporting education and sustainability in Martel
The New York Haiti Project is a collaborative ministry of nineteen parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of New York. We are building bonds of love between New York and Haiti through the Episcopal Church. We support St. Luke’s Episcopal School and Church in Martel Haiti. The school currently serves 230 students pre-K through 9th grade. Our goal is to add a grade level every year until the school serves 12th grade.
St. Luke’s Episcopal School
St. Luke’s Episcopal School serves the rural village of Martel. Before the school opened, the nearest school was five miles away, in Petite Riviere de Nippes. That school was too far away for the children to walk. It was also too far for children to take a motorcycle taxi, which is also dangerous.
The school opened in the fall of 2017 and orginally served 40 students grades pre-K through 3rd grade. Each year the school has added another grade level. Today we have 200 students in grades pre-K through 8th grade.
“The New York Haiti Project is changing the lives of people in Haiti and New York.”
— The Rev. Sam Owen, Director, New York Haiti Project
Feel free to contact us with any questions.